
I am so so grateful for you and this challenge!!!! I can’t express what it has done for me mentally and physically. I have gained some self confidence back in my postpartum body and abilities… now I can continue these habits and continue to grow and change and become better, I feel like I have purpose again!
Brindi Hauck
I learned so much in this challenge! This helped me in so many ways. When I started this challenge I felt a little lost. This challenge helped me focus and reboot my life. I feel I am better focused on life. It’s a mindset, it’s eating proper proportions, and mental health! I also learned that guilt does not help in anyway. If you’ve messed up, your next choice can be a restart
Brytan gubler
mamele Community member
Thank you so much for this challenge. My biggest takeaway was learning macros. I’m still not perfect by any means but it’s been the most sustainable “diet” I’ve ever been on and much easier to follow.
brittany szmuc
mamele Community member
I went into this challenge with the mindset that I can do anything for 30 days. There were definitely days that I didn’t feel like tracking and it took some major convincing to get out of bed, and actually start working out. I wanted to prove to myself, more than anyone, that I could keep the promises I made to myself. But I did it!! I tracked for 30 days. I did the workouts. This month taught me that I am capable of hard things. It also gave me the motivation to keep going! I have other goals I want to achieve. Thank you sooo much for the mindset shift along with the physical changes!!
ellary hendrickson
Mamele Community member
The challenge was definitely a challenge for me! I wasn’t perfect by any means- I missed a couple of workouts, I modified like crazy on several and am still figuring out how to get enough protein in to hit my macros! I have learned the most about the success that has come from consistency. I found my mindset changing from these interrupting negative self talk thoughts as I struggled to complete a movement, to thoughts now of “Come on!” “Keep going!” “ good work!” “You can do one moreI am so grateful for the healthier way I am thinking and treating myself!
Jessica wayman
Mamele Community member
I started doing Andrea’s workouts when COVID hit. For me, it felt like the right time to start feeling better and those who had done her program up to that point had found so much success, and I was ready. Throughout the challenge this last month, I gained more confidence in my self-image and in my eating. I gained a better idea of what it means to be healthy, both inside and outside. I gained trust in the process and that it takes more than eating a piece of celery and lettuce to lose weight. During this last month I may have not lost on the scale, but I have gained more than I ever thought possible.
Mariah Anway
Mamele team member
In a nut shell I’ve always struggled with my weight and have always had a really bad relationship with food. I found Andrea’s program and started with her. This is now my 4th challenge and I would say the biggest thing I did different this time around was I really strived to work on my mental state first. So I decided to start reading a self-help book in addition and this helped me tremendously. This led to more conversations with me and my husband which then led to him wanting to start working out again as well, (so now we work out together at least once, if not twice a day). Which then has now led to our children watching us working out and they have loved to join in on the fun with squats, jumping jacks, weights etc…

I would say I also learned that I am ONLY in competition with MYSELF, and I am ONLY trying to do than I was the day before. I won’t be perfect & that is okay but I will keep starting each day a new day & do my best each day – Consistency is key! Consistency = Results

Marie Walker

Memale Community Member
I’ve been doing your challenges since May 2019, & I’m still always learning new things, & never get bored with the workouts! I learned how much I can accomplish when I stay consistent, & stop all the excuses. This thought process really helped shift my mindset to stay the course. And sure enough week 3 I started seeing progress. Even more than the scale I feel stronger!! How I’ve felt has been my biggest motivation. Love getting stronger, & getting throw the workouts. I’ve actually connected to my why, & I’ll never let that go!
Nicole Lovato
This challenge helped me gain the confidence I need to keep motivation going through the hard days! Seeing small results make it all worth it! I learned that no matter the situation, there is always time to make time for yourself. We went out of town every weekend plus a week in Mexico and I learned that you can make the time for yourself no matter where you are. You can CHOOSE to live a healthier lifestyle no matter the circumstance and it feels amazing!
Amanda Gibson
mamele Community member
I’m so thankful for Andrea and her program MAMELE. I learned that I can do this, like I really can! And not only can I do it, but I enjoy it. I was born with cerebral palsy and always let it define my ability to be fit. Well not anymore! The confidence I’ve gained in myself far outweighs any inches lost (but boy am I happy to see that inches were indeed lost!). The wonders it has done for my mental health has also been a game changer. I’m happier and less anxious which is such a blessing. Thank you so much Andrea!! You are the greatest.
taylor clements
mamele Community member
I have learned that I can trust myself. Every day of this challenge, I have shown up for myself. I have set goals, and put in the work to achieve them. I learned the value of self-reflection, and how to properly push through disappointment. I have learned how to be a rocketship, and do the hard things, especially on the days that it feels impossible. This challenge has helped me to be the best version of myself that I am capable of being. It has helped me to not only value, but enjoy a healthy lifestyle.
allysa martellaro
Mamele Community member
My husband took a job two hours away and I
became a single mom over night. Being on my own meant I didn’t have him to watch the girls, so I either had to wake up way before my twin toddlers or try and workout with them awake. Being a good example to my three daughters of a positive body image, getting stronger, mentally being able to do
hard things and eating healthy foods to help our bodies be strong was the biggest reward. The energy I have now to keep up with three busy girls is incredible. I look forward to continuing with the workouts!!
angie child
Mamele Community member
After having twins, I just couldn’t picture myself ever having the energy or motivation to get back into shape. Motivation will likely NEVER be there because exercising is hard. Eating right is HARD. Our minds naturally want to take the easy route. The key is to just start! Do something, do anything and be proud that you did it. Move forward whenyou have disappointing days. This month helped kick start a journey back to being strong physically, but also being strong mentally. I can do hard things!
becca nelson
Mamele Community member
I have been doing your workouts and challenges for over two years now, and every time I’ve tried to lose the most weight/ inches. I’ve tried hard and worked hard- and done all of the weekly challenges and journaling and such as well.

But this challenge was so different for me. We had a 9 day family vacation in the middle. This challenge I promised myself I wouldn’t let anything get in the way of being fully committed. I meal prepped and planned meals for all three of my meals each day, for all nine days and took them with me. I stuck to my macros while on vacation and didn’t let it be an excuse! I took my workout clothes and running shoes and my laptop with my old insanity discs (no internet or service there) and worked out every. This last month I have honestly made my own self proud because I know I can do the hard thing! I can promise myself something and stick to it! I can trust myself. It’s amazing the mental growth I’ve had this month, even where I’ve been around your workouts and challenges for so long. I don’t even care about the weight- it’s coming off. I'm more excited that I stuck to a goal .

I’ve also been so inspired by your lives- that I am now signed up for an Olympic sized triathlon mid September. After your last live I signed up for one because “I am capable of doing it!” No one is more capable than me!

Kelcie Christensen

Mamele Community Member
In the last 4 weeks I may have only lost 6 pounds, but I’ve also lost 7 inches around my body and more importantly I’ve gained SO much more! I absolutely love that I am getting physically and mentally stronger! I love showing my 4 kids that even though sometimes something may be hard (like 105 devil presses!) that I’m not a quitter and that I can overcome those hard things! I’m so grateful for this program, for Andrea and her words of advice and encouragement along the way, and especially for the Mamele community/FB page! It’s been really inspiring to hear other trials, triumphs, and to see the support everyone has for each other. Andrea, you really have created an amazing community of women supporting women and it’s been so awesome to be a part of it!
rachel workman
Regardless of where we are in our lives, old or young, over weight or in shape, wealthy or poverty stricken, we all have room to improve. If we set goals and strive for those goals, we can over come any obstacle that comes in our way through hard work and dedication. I have 3 young boys ranging from ages 4 years old to 9 months old. I came up with every excuse of how I was going to tell my sister that I just simply could not participate, but when I saw the excitement in my sisters eyes I thought okay, I am going to try! I am extremely grateful I did! You have inspired me to not only work hard on being physically fit, but to strive always to be the best me as a mother, wife, and a friend!
candace bergren
mamele Community member
This challenge helped me in more ways than one. It helped me mentally, physically and emotionally. I am in my third trimester, 32.5 weeks pregnant with baby number 4! I have had no energy whatsoever this whole pregnancy and this last month I have had THE most energy I’ve had! I haven’t taken anynaps, where before I needed a nap every day. I have been happy and felt stronger. My days begin earlier, and end earlier, and I love it! It has helped my relationships as well. My husband and even my mom have told me that they’ve seen such a difference in me. And THAT is why I loved this challenge!
brittany jump
mamele Community member
My gym has recently changed their kid care policy so that I am no longer able to bring my two younger kids to the gym because they are not old enough. So I now have to workout at home. I never thought I would get as good of a workout in and be able to lose weight. There were days that I didn’t want to get up early to get a workout in before my kids got up but I knew that if I didn’t I would have to workout with my kids up and would most likely make up an excuse for not getting it done. I have more work to do… my journey is not quite over yet, well actually it will never be over, but I’m excited to keep doing your workouts on the app to help get my body to where I want it to be!
heather curtis
Mamele Community member
After the holidays I found myself really struggling with having any desire or motivation to exercise. This challenged freed me, and helped me re-discover my passion for improving my health and bettering my state of mind. The personal coaching, encouragement and interaction with Andrea was inspiring! The atmosphere of the group was incredible and helped keep me excited, driven, and motivated to succeed. Because of Andrea and the Mamele team, I have learned to trust myself again. I now know, that I am stronger than I ever thought. I am no longer restricted by a fear of failure. Rather, I am excited by the prospect of success!
kim taylor
Mamele Community member
I LOVE THIS PROGRAM and I’m not done here.Andrea is so encouraging. I love that she gives motivation in every area of my life! Even simple things like checking something off my to do list! I love that I was forced to let go of my negative self talk, even if just for a week. It’s encouraged me to continue to set that as a goal until it becomes a habit. I’ve learned to look at exercise as a gift that I can give myself. I’m becoming more and more confident in my own body and not only for what it looks like! Most importantly, for me, I’ve been given mental clarity. I so appreciate the community for keeping me in check and encouraging me on my hard days and congratulating me on my small victories along the way!
becca nelson
Mamele Community member
I did the July challenge just to see what it was going to be like, test the waters a bit. So I knew when I started this challenge I was going to be all in. Mamele’s recipes have changed the way I fuel my body and they have given me extra tools to succeed in my goals. I have learned that I can achieve goals that aren’t particularly solution-focused. I started the month with a goal to do everything in the challenge including the meal plan. Knowing that tightening up my macros is going to be my main struggle going forward. And I did it! Mamele gives me so many tools I can use to succeed in my goals and progress. I realized that I was very skeptical that anything would work to help me get my body back and I was weary of all the things I tried that didn’t work. Now I found Mamele and macros and I know I sound like a nutty, promotional ad but it works. I’ve jumped in with both feet and I’m seeing my muscles grow and define. I’m seeing fat slowly melt away. I’m stronger, I have increased endurance, I’m less swayed by disappointment and discouragement and that’s HUGE for me!

cydne mortensen

Memale Community Member
I am the only one who stands in my own way. I made all sorts of reasons up as to why other women could and I couldn’t. This challenge taught me to overcome those obstacles mentally and to push myself physically! It helped me understand the importance of me time; even if that included kids doing the workouts with me! Before I would have just quit before I even started because I didn’t have dedicated time for working out. Now my kids join my workouts and help me cook! Although my scale and numbers aren’t exactly where I want them to be, I know that I CAN continue! I am a renewed, happier woman from the inside out
shawna sergerson
After having twins, I just couldn’t picture myself ever having the energy or motivation to get back into shape. Motivation will likely NEVER be there because exercising is hard. Eating right is HARD. Our minds naturally want to take the easy route. The key is to just start! Do something, do anything and be proud that you did it. Move forward when you have disappointing days. This month helped kick start a journey back to being strong physically, but also being strong mentally. I can do hard things!
hailey retherford
mamele Community member
This challenge has altered the course of my life. At first I could barely do a push-up on my knees.. no joke one was freaking hard. I felt soooo weak. But I kept pushing getting stronger and stronger. For once I started to be able to trust myself again by proving to myself I was going to do what I said I was going to do, which in the past I’ve broken many promises to myself when it came to taking care of my body. My little girl will grow up with a momma who loves her body and takes good care of it. 10.5 pounds down this month and 12.76 inches total. I can FINALLY trust myself and can have confidence that I will do what I say I will!
tylee cottam
mamele Community member
As a mom, I think we get used to doing everything for everyone, except ourselves. We forget to take care of our personal needs as well. I became unhappy with myself, especially in how my body was looking. I’ve been following Andrea & Mamele for some time now, so when I saw the challenge starting in October with emphasis on mental health, it wouldn’t get out of my mind. So as I was deciding to do it or not, I voiced to my husband the fear that I wouldn’t be able to lose any weight, and he said “Your body went through years of big changes & kids to get to this point, it wasn’t just overnight. So in the same way, when you start you won’t see overnight results. But if you work hard consistently, in time, you’ll see the results you hope for. The only way you’ll see no progress is if you do nothing.”
alicia herd
Mamele Community member
As I went through this challenge, I was interested to see how I would keep up while in my third trimester of my 2nd pregnancy. I learned that my body is AMAZING. It can grow a human AND lift weights. It can walk 10,000 steps a day AND tell me when it needs a break. I really focused on listening to my body and discovered that I could push myself more than I thought. At the end of the challenge, I realize that I don’t care what my measurements or weight are. Instead, I care that I’m currently feeling so accomplished and proud to make such good choices for my body. When I really dial into the way I’m working out and eating, I can hear my body’s needs better and that’s what makes it all worth it.
sienna forsyth
Mamele Community member
I started the challenge two months postpartum with my second after completing the back from baby guide. I learned that I don’t need to be perfect, just consistent. Every mom understands how difficult it can be to make time for yourself and to workout. I told myself I would complete every workout, including the Saturday ones because I am always inconsistent on the weekends. Yes there were days I wasn’t perfect… but I would always come back to Andrea’s comment that I am only one decision away from changing… whether it was getting closer to hitting my macros or completing the weekly challenge every day or getting the Saturday workout in. I love how Andrea continually gives us tools to use to help us on our journey and change our entire mindset with fitness and nutrition. I learned that I can do hard things! Confidence isn’t the absence of self doubt. It’s being willing to try even though you doubt yourself.” I am excited now to do things that scare me a little and that I don’t feel confident with. Whether that’s lifting with a barbell, taking on a calling I don’t feel qualified for, signing up for the MAMELE mountains race next year… I’m ready to try!
Mamele Community member
This challenge helped me to look forward to something each and every day. It helped to be more consistent. This challenge helped me to get out of my comfort zone. I learned that it is ok to tell someone if I am struggling with my mental health and if I need help with anything that it is ok to ask for help. I learned I can do hard things. I learned to love myself again. I learned to love others in this MAMELE group. I learned to love me for who I am. I just want to thank you so much for sharing your gift and talents with the MAMELE family

bret buchanan

Memale Community Member
I am a lot more confident inside and out. Not only does my body look better, but I feel so much better on the inside. Andrea has taught me the tools I need to get my mindset right! I have honestly never felt better, because I have this community of women, who all have their challenges. I have learned to love myself, and not compare myself anymore and it feels really good! Thank you Andrea and your team for another amazing challenge! I feel so blessed to have found Mamele!
angie owens
I’ve seen results, and this challenge has worked too well for me to only do it for a month. I am in awe of my mindset shift. I’ve never prioritized tasks or goals like I have this month. I’ve proven to myself over and over again that I CAN make time for the things that I seek to accomplish. One of my biggest takeaways is “something is better than nothing.” Telling myself “something is better than nothing” (sometimes multiple times a day) keeps a positive mindset in focus and keeps my negative self talk at bay. Thank you so much for giving me the tools I need to succeed. I can’t stop now!
kaili orchard
mamele Community member
I have had multiple goals that have been on my list for years! This month I was able to achieve SO many! This challenge gave me a push that I needed. Adding small habits and building on that allowed me to see what I am capable of. I never have given myself enough credit and give up before I even start. Moving forward, I am able to actively see the good and joy in things that before seemed too heavy. Saying yes to myself but also to my kids more. It’s okay for something to be hard but there are small joys within the hard!
Lexi junion
mamele Community member
This challenge has helped me have a better relationship with food. Additionally, I have loved the focus on mental health. Before when I tried to lose weight, I would either focus on having a big deficit of calories which wasn’t sustainable, or I would just try to eat healthy meals, but my portion sizes were too big so I didn’t see any results. The MAMELE app helped calculate my custom macros and provided resources to help me, who was brand new to macros, learn how to get started. I’m so grateful for the MAMELE team for teaching me so much in the past month! You’ve helped me more than you know!
natalie toone
Mamele Community member
I signed up on a whim & it wasn’t until day 1 that I really decided to commit. I’m so grateful I did. I’m grateful for the resources given. I cannot say enough good things about this challenge. I have developed healthier eating habits and a lot more self control now that I have a greater understanding of nutrition. I learned that I can do hard things and when I take time to do these things I’m an all around better person. I’m so grateful to this Mamele team. You guys are amazing. I’ve truly found myself again
katie riding
Mamele Community member
This challenge not only made me recognize how strong I am physically in my postpartum body, but it made me recognize my individual worth outside of being a mom. This month I learned that I’m capable of doing more and lifting more than I thought I could. I can set aside an hourly so a day for myself to workout, read a book, go for a walk, or write in a journal. It made me want to do more for myself and not feel guilty about it.
mckenna neuhaus
Mamele Community member
I dealt with PPD after the birth of both my daughters. With the theme of mental health, I approached this month’s challenge differently than I have in the previous two challenges I have participated in. I wanted to take this month to focus on strengthening my mental state and I knew that physical changes would follow. Before this challenge I noticed that I would look at the workout on the Mamele app before I would start and think to myself “oh that’s too difficult for me, I am going to have to modify that or I am going to have to lower the reps on that circuit because I cannot complete the whole thing”. Instead of telling myself I couldn’t do it before I even started, I pushed myself to failure and then I modified when needed. I surprised myself every workout with how much stronger I was than I gave myself credit for. It helps me gain confidence in myself and helps me trust myself because I am proving to myself that I can do hard things! Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this community.

caroline truman

Memale Community  Member
I have never felt better physically or mentally! I have always struggled with body image as I think most women do and a number on a scale. Through this challenge you have taught me to let go of the guilt and shame and to never quit. You have shown me my body can do amazing things and that I am not defined by a number on a scale. Thank you for shining your bright light on so many others and me especially! You literally were born to help others!
camie winslow
How didn’t this challenge help me! I receivedmotivation, encouraging words new friends, greater confidence. And a knowledge that I am enough! This community is unlike anything I’ve been a part of! It’s so genuine and inspiring! They told me exactly what I needed! I am loved, I am needed, I am wanted, I am strong! I didn’t think I had really lost many inches or that my body had changed much, but looking at my pictures and the inches lost, I see just how much I have lost and defined my body. It’s so motivating to keep it all up!
megan allred
mamele Community member
This challenge helped me find more people that I have come to love like sisters. We talk, we laugh, and we cry with one another. This community is like none other. I needed them. This challenge has taught me that everyone is truly going through something hard. I learned that no matter how busy life gets, that taking care of yourself needs to be a priority. I learned that feeling the Sun on your face and sweat on your back can ground you after almost any rough patch. Preparing for this challenge and being able to really take it all in was a huge success in my life. I am enough and will continue to be no matter where I am in my journey. This community, the workouts, the nutrition… It’s life changing, truly. I am a better person because of this beautiful journey with the Mamele community who are all more like family now.
Lydia Pickard
mamele Community member
I am OVERWHELMED with how much better this challenge has made me physically and mentally. When I signed up for the challenge, I had no intention of actually doing all the things. When I saw Andrea post about how mental health centered the challenge would be this month I thought $10 was worth at least having access to a group and information would help me move forward and maybe I would do a weekly challengeor two. Somehow I caught myself waking up every morning and doing my workout, counting my macros, checking in with the group and pushing myself to do it all. There was something about being involved in such an amazing community and simply having the tools that come with groups of inspiring women that kept me doing it all day after day. Mamele is for EVERYONE.
morgan lewis
Mamele Community member
Thank you Thank you Thank you! This is my 3rd challenge I have done and this is the most consistent I have been in a challenge and the most growth has happened for me this month. Something finally clicked for me… I have finally learned and finally believe its not about being perfect it’s about being consistent. I didn’t let myself feel as guilty when I would mess up because I knew I could just start right back and try harder and be my best that same day I didn’t have to let it “ruin” my whole day just over one extraserving of dessert or whatever it was. This month really helped me with my consistency. Thank you for helping me to build this mindset.
rachel cottle
Mamele Community member